Thursday, January 7, 2010


I’d like to introduce you to my little girl. However, she is not so little anymore, in fact, she is married with children of her own. One boy (J), One girl (S) and one on the way (M).She will always be my little girl, but Jonathans wife!
Let me back up though. When I was pregnant with Victoria we were in the Marine Corps and my hubby was away. For a joke I sent him two stuffed animals. They were a hippo and a whale. I symbolized the whale I was so huge and I swore I was having a baby hippo! She was only 4ft. 10in, 21 ¾ inches long, I should have called her a giraffe. However, the hippo part was not far from the truth. About 8 years ago we went back to Jacksonville, NC. She was only there a short time. Suddenly, out of the back seat Victoria said “when we went there, I was wearing the blue dress you made.” Swinging around I was astonished, Victoria has the memory of an elephant!

Growing up she always loved the Lord and asked some very deep questions for a child of her age. At the time she realized she was a sinner destine to spend eternity in Hell if she did not ask the Lord to forgive her sins and come into her heart to save her. Victoria has always been determined and I now see that as a blessing. It is how she gets through each day. Her favorite past time growing up was reading. If she was not reading it meant she was grounded!

Like any other child Victoria loved to play pranks on her younger sister Tiffany. But do not even think of messing with Tiffany, Victoria would not tolerate it. One time a dog had Tiffany on the ground and it’s mouth around Tiffany’s throat, without any thought to the seriousness that she could be facing, she took action and got the dog off Tiffany!
Victoria has always been an open person, and let you know how she feels. Her honesty is refreshing. One thing that bothered me was she was always analytical, I would tell her I wanted her to vacuum then dust, and respectively she would say “wouldn’t it be better if I dusted first?” Though she was right, sometimes we did not give in to teach her obedience.
From the moment she was born, she was daddy’s girl! He has a very unique bond with her, that today I can honestly say I am glad for. Victoria always did well in school, graduating in the top of her class. From there she went on to Massillion Bible College, we wanted her to do one year at Bible school before moving on. This was fine because she felt the calling of the Lord to go into full time ministry. On Sept. 11, 2001, we were on our way to the airport to take her and her grandmother to the airport, they were flying to Thailand, where Victoria was going to stay several months and my mother in law was to stay about a week. Needless to say, we turned around and she ended up going from Jan-June 2002. I missed her greatly but glad she was doing the Lord’s work.

Some of Victoria’s hobbies, other than her family, are cooking (she is a great cook, I love to go to her place to eat lol), reading, playing Farmville, sleeping (she does not get that luxury very often), talking to friends, attending Church, encouraging people (especially me), and listening and singing.
Victoria one day went to a restaurant to apply for a job and got a husband instead! Jonathan has a real burden for lost souls and to serve God anyway he can. He instantly became part of the family. Jonathan is active in the choir at Church, can lead music with more energy than anyone I know. Right now they are waiting on God for direction in their lives, but while they wait, Jonathan is a store manager for McDonald’s and Victoria is the first assistant. These two are a couple of the most dedicated people I know, and they try to show the love of the Lord in all they do! Victoria is every mothers dream child and Jonathan is the perfect match for her. I love you Victoria and Jonathan!

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A love God brought together that noone will seperate!

Mother Daughter Poem

A mother's words of love to her daughter
When times seem too hard to bear & I l feel like giving up
I vision your beautiful face, the twinkle of your eyes and things of such
The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born
Is a mother and daughter bind that can never be torn
With the strength and guidance of God and the blessings he pours down from above
I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love
You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose
You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose
You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child
You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile
I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best
Put forth your efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest
I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend
Your are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given

With All My Love,

I love you!

plz go to the following web address for more very enjoyable poems

Source: Precious Gift, Mother Daughter Poems
Precious Gift by Sherri Lawrence @ Family Friend Poems
Precious Gift by Sherri Lawrence @FamilyFriendPoems


1 comment:

  1. ha ha .... remember when Victoria asked for a spanking rather than the grounding from her books?

    we love you Tori
