Welcome to Part 3 People who have had a positive influence in my life! Thanks for your kind words both on the blog and privately. Without YOU this series would not be possible.
This is dedicated to the people who truly care about others. Gal. 5:13 states; “…..by love serve one another”. These next groups of people are not just Doctors or Nurses, but are Doctors and Nurses, who go above and beyond their “job requirements”. These doctors and nurses, do everything from wiping a tear to healing broken hearts at least they have in my life!
The first person is a mother and grandmother. She is a very caring person. She looks after a very special person. This nurse loves her work, however, does not love paperwork. Sorry needed to mention this! She loves her patients and patients’ families as well. When she is not with her patients she is concerned if they are okay. A lot, not all, nurses just rush you in and rush you out. She takes time to get to know the families and even friends of the family. This nurse has actually becomes part of the family she is responsible for. The first time I met this nurse, I laughed hysterically, she was such a comedian that day (I am being nice!) But this nurse has taught me many things and because of space I can only name a few. One area is to do the things you don’t like to do, without grumbling and fussing. There is one area this nurse does not like to do, but she does it anyway. To me that shows dedication, caring, and love. By exhibiting these qualities they are the same as our Saviour. She knows the same Saviour I know and that in itself is exciting. Christ showed his dedication to us, by dyeing on the cross. As the song states, “He could have called 10 thousand angels to destroy the world and set him free!” But he didn’t! WOW, think of the dedication, caring and love Christ showed us. Secondly, she has taught me some patience, which is not one of my good points, I am usually very impatient! But due to some circumstances in her life and how she handles things, and looks at things in such a positive way, has influenced my life! Like I said she has shown more but space is limited. Thanks to one of my favorite nurses. I love you!
The next is a Doctor. So many times you walk into a doctor’s office and have to wait, they are running behind. I do not mind waiting at this doctor’s office because I know he cares for his patients and takes time to really listen to them. He always lets me try the natural way of things before putting me on any drugs. There have been times when I have had to see him that day, and his schedule is full. The appointment clerks always tell him I need to see him and he stays late for me. This sweet doctor has taken the time to give me his personal cell phone number, and when I have had to use it, he calls back. Now keeping that all in mind, he is a family man. He enjoys getting away for the week end with his son and camping out in the snow. (I did not say he was completely sane!) He has helped show me balance in life. He always looks on the positive side of things even when it has been hard to find. When you walk out of the office you don’t feel like a number, you feel like you’re cared about. In this he has shown me how to treat other people. Thank you for not giving up on me when I have been there crying and seeing no hope, you always were an encourager. Thanks for the attitude you have in life. I love you and your wife and kids are great for allowing me to take your precious time.
My next person is also a nurse. The nurse is not only a mother but a grandmother. She has been nursing for many years, I believe usually part time. She is always a fresh breathe of honesty. Sometimes, I need to be hit by the 2 x 4, and I know she has done this to me, after we talk. But she does it with such love and concern you don’t really feel the blow but you get the point. The Bible states that the older women should teach the younger woman and she does this for me even though she isn’t old! She is always quick to turn to her Bible, and I am learning now to do that! She is very faithful to her family and patients. She is very articulate. We don’t always see eye to eye, and that is okay, because if there is an area where we don’t agree it is not something I willing to die over. We just agree to disagree and we stay friends. These are all things; I need to learn and am progressing on some of them. When I think of this person, I think prayer warrior. She spends a lot of time in prayer and is continually telling people of Christ and his love towards them. Did you know God allowed His only Son, Jesus, to die so we may live? This is what she shares with people. If you aren’t sure what I mean please ask! I love you for all you are teaching me.
My next person is a doctor. This doctor is one I talk to on a regular basis. It was not long before I found out that this person has accepted Christ as her personal Saviour. She can tell you when and how! Although I did not always think this way, I am fortunate that she does. The doctor quickly, when I am down or argumentative always asks is that what Jesus thinks? She is constantly challenging me to change my life to be more like him. Up to now, honestly, I have to say there are times when I walk out of her office and swear I will never go back. I always do, I am now ready to hear what she has to say and apply it to my life. I know this part is not long, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t an important person to me. Again, thanks for not giving up on me. Thanks for listening while I scream and cry, and understandingly you help me out of the valleys, I have put myself in. I love and appreciate you.
The next doctor has only been in my life for 9 weeks. When I met her I was determined she would not be able to help me. I went in with the attitude it was a waste of her time and mine. However, from day one she made me feel special. She has helped me the way no one else has. Again I have been blessed becuase she knows the Lord as her Saviour and understands that it is by the grace of God she knows she will go to heaven and not because of anything she does. I can, but I won't, go into the specifics of how she has helped me, but there has been a lot of physical healing because of her. Her favorite phrase is..."you have to stop letting people get to you, and relax." But this week she came up with a new one "I am not here to make people happy, I am here to serve God." Thanks for that reminder. As we have talked, I know we both have gone through some hardships and I am taking your advice on how to get over some of them. I honestly believe she loves to make me hurt...she loves the Marine Corps phrase "NO PAIN NO GAIN". She saw healing in me before I did, she knew she could help me. This lady is a wife and mother, and works around her family, which is the most important thing to her. She is not only helping physically heal but emotionally too. She tells if I don't listen to her my health will fail miserably real soon. I can't let that happen. Thank you for seeing hope in me when I couldn't. Thank you for all the torture! Thank you for always being there, and willing to talk some of my hurts out. If you live in this area and need a good physical therapist call or email me. I think we have quickly become friends, thanks and I love you even when you hurt me!
The next two doctors are probably not thought of as doctors, but they are. T
hey help to heal the hurt and sick. The wife of this doctor can be interchanged in this story, because she has the heart of God, and has the heart of her husband. The first one loves to farm, and is very dedicated not only to his family but to all he is in contact with. He has taught me a lot about farming, but more importantly he has taught me a lot of the Lord’s love. He has taught me the importance of obedience and is teaching me the importance of going to God in prayer and leaving the negative situations there. At some of my lowest points he always has had verses from the Bible to share with me. His favorite story is, Peter walking on the water, no wait, the Garden of Eden. Oh no, the story of Job or is the story of Jonah. I think his two favorite stories really are the birth, death and resurrection of our Saviour. In truth they are ALL his favorites, and when you are that excited about something you become contagious. He is teaching how to be contagious, in a good way! His is someone I can call 24/7 even if others would consider it a dumb question, his attitude is there are no dumb questions. Good thing, because I ask a lot! This man has taught me to take a Bible story and put yourself into the different people’s shoes of the story. For the first time, Dan and I did it with the Christmas story that was the most fun I have had in a long time. We also did it with Noah and the Ark. I can’t wait until date night this week to see what story we will do. I am so excited to go visit him, he always has something special to say and of importance in my life right now. The difference is I am not just listening to him; I am trying to hear him! I am thankful as situations came up he went to the Lord on my behalf. this doctor truly tends to the sheep! Thank you is nothing in comparison of the changes you are helping me make. I love you and your family.
The second one, who would not be considered a “doctor”, has been one for a short time. In that short time I know he has prayed for me without ceasing. Again, reinforcing the nurses’ teachings. He is always available to talk. His answers are ALWAYS found in the Bible! He takes the hurting people and puts ointment on their wounds from the Word of God. His family and children are important to him, but where is heart is with his family (as it should be), everyone he meets can take a small part of it. He is someone when I lashed out, I hurt because I know what he was saying was the truth, and I did not want to hear it then. I am so glad he has a forgiving spirit, because now that things are changing in my life I am ready for the words of wisdom he has. He loves to play “army” with his sons. I am glad you have a huge bottle of ointment just for me in your office! I love you and your family!
Tomorrow,family or not family?
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